Sunday, November 9, 2014


I just wrote a massive update/response, and my laptop died. Short version - THANK YOU EVERYONE! I have a lot of grieving to do, but we are and always will remain best friends and family. We are (I know this sounds fake but it will make sense when I post next) closer than ever, will likely divorce in the next few years, but are in no rush, and honestly I've never had such a satisfying or intimate evening than tonight was. I'll post the full deal later, but basically life hurts like hell and is INCREDIBLE all at once. It's incredible what having been best friends for 17 years before we married can do for us. Thank you thank you thank you. More to come.
Oh, and because things feel super stable and wonderful right now, Katladee (let me know if you want me to take your name off), oh yes. I cook. Any recipes you want at the moment?
I don't actually know any of you, haven't met a one of you, but I love you folks! Thank you so much for helping me through the most painful day of my life - without you all I would not have been in the right place to come home to my wonderful wife and reach such a wonderful place as where we are now. Again - I'll explain in full when I have more time.

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