Friday, November 27, 2015

OKCupid 6

Clearly it's been a while. Holidays have come and passed (they were excellent by the way), I've been to several Meetups and spent time with friends old and new and have generally been spending less time hurting and more time out playing - hence the paucity of posts since... Wow, it's been longer than I thought.

Quick updates:
New friends are excellent, especially when combined with trivia night, Star Wars, or a Boardgames & Booze Meetup

When your ex moves to the guest bedroom and even goodnight hugs stop... it hurts like hell.

Back on OKCupid - now that I'm hurting weekly instead of daily and feeling quite sufficient to be enough for myself - my therapist and I agreed a while back that I'm ready to dip my toe in the water.

I went on my first ever "date-date" just last week and had a blast.

I'm also considering taking yet another OKCupid hiatus. In the last week I've been on a total of 4 dates with 3 women:
1 was a bust - though I doubt I'll get into that here.
1 I can absolutely see being great friends with.
And 1, well, I'm not entirely sure. I like her a great deal. She was date number 1 and date number 4. I don't know how comfortable she would be with starting more than a casual dating relationship, nor am I certain I want that just yet (thank goodness I have therapy on Tuesday, because I also do want it - just anxious about diving in too soon.) What I know for sure is that I find her to be a long list of adjectives I won't bore you with. Every time I try to put them down they come out sounding ridiculously corny, predictable, and contrived-as-a-90's-era-made-for-TV-disney-romance-movie (Susie Q!), despite being entirely genuine (she's intelligent, well-educated, caring, self-aware, beautiful, funny, etc. ad nauseum.) What I suppose I can safely declare here is the following:
  • I like her a lot.
  • I am confident, barring any fiendish secrets or surprises, that we can be excellent friends.
  • I am honestly open to the idea of more developing while consciously working to make sure I am also open to the idea of just being friends if it doesn't.
  • I fear proposing more than friendship (once I'm ready) as I know many are uncomfortable remaining friends if becoming more has been broached but isn't an option.
I also know that it's exhausting being on OKCupid and I'd rather put what time and energy I have into pursuing my new friendships and sticking to just one possible-someday-romance at a time. No judgement, whatsoever, on what you do/how you date. Nor would I have the same expectation of a potential partner until she and I had agreed to 'be exclusive" (or whatever the modern kids are using in place of 'going steady'); that's just where I'm at.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

OKCupid 5

Well this has been interesting. I recently discovered that OKCupid has the option to be just 'looking for new friends.'

The Socialist has been trying it out for a few weeks now with pretty good success in the LGBTIQ community. Seems like a good idea, right?

Absolutely. And absolutely not.

I created my account - this time just as 'looking for new friends' - about two weeks ago (it's why I've been lapsing on the blog, I'll be honest, making e-friends takes a lot of time).

Actually, let's back up for a minute.

The Socialist and I have been best of friends for the last 22 years. I first proposed in September of 1993 and we've been close ever since (even if she did say no). That said, although I've had many friends and relationships throughout my life thus far, nearly all of them have been shared friends, couple friends, or friendships grounded in my relationship with her in some other way. In late September I finally reached a place of sufficient stability to conclude that it was high time I begin to craft a chosen family beyond the confines of my marriage.

This is not to say that my marriage is any sort of imprisonment, but when all of your friends are other couples, or people you met through your partner, or people who are equally friends with  your partner (alongside one or two friends from childhood, oh right, them too!) it means you don't have much of your own skillset around making/maintaining friends beyond those bounds.

All of that established, and my few me-friends living at least an hour away, I realized it was high time to find some good friend material closer to home. Also, I'm not ready to date/pursue romance yet, but once I am I'd much rather have a solid friendship evolve into more than meet someone for the first time with romantic intensions from the outset.

And now back to the present.

It's been an interesting two weeks. In that time, I've had the following brand-spanking new experiences:
  • 17 men have invited me to anonymous sexual encounters (if this is even a faint whiff of what women experience on these sites, I apologize on behalf of those of my gender who behave this way)
  • 9 of the men I've contacted have responded with "And you're not looking for romance with me, right? Just friends?" (Yes, absolutely, definitely!)
  • 7 folks have responded "You're 27 and a principal? How dreamy/fancy/ambitious/areyourich..." No, just no.
  • 6 women I've contacted have responded with "yeah, I've gotten that 'my wife is gay' line before, not thanks, not looking for a hookup." (Neither am I. And really? Guys use that to get laid? Ew!)
  • 5 of the folks I've contacted have been interested in long-term pen-palling (no problem there)
  • 4 women have invited me to 'kink parties' (never been, not interested at this time)
  • I've met up with 3 folks who seem like they'll make fine friends (I had a blast, I weirdly miss them already).
  • 2 of the friend-types I've met up with have, on my ask for a second get-together, felt the need to insist "and it's only friends, right? Right? Right?"
It's exciting, it's fun, it's mind-numbingly terrifying. Mostly, it confirms that I'm absolutely new at this and need practice. And that I love people. And how lonely it is to be 'the boss' at work, in such a public position of community leadership and functionally single - it basically eliminates 'fraternizing' with all of those I spend time with day to day, not to mention that fact that my colleagues are all 20-40 years my senior.

Every time I meet someone new (and even moreso afterwards), I have found my anxiety going through the roof. "Did he like me? I had a good time, did she? Will they text me back?" I think it's going to be a loooong road. What about you? How do you deal with reaching out to make new social connections? What are your struggles? Your successes?

I'm going to take an OKC break for a bit to focus on cultivating the few new friends I'm making and to see how it goes. I guess you could say it's good 'practice' for when I'm back on OKC and possibly ready to start searching for something more.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Turns out you CAN beat a royal flush

ACES: My score is 7.

Kings: My sister attempted to make the King of Hearts when I was 14.

Queens: When I had reconstructive surgery to take my feet from grotesquely crooked size 17s to straight and functional 13s, my other sister dubbed herself the 'queen of mean' and routinely would stomp on the broken bones.

Jacks: They're sharp and pointy, like the hammer I put through my left hand at 16 by mistake while sharpening it.

Tens: I used to weigh 42 of them in pounds and had all the associate stigma and health problems to go with it.

And yet, somehow, I've never experienced agony like this. Never even imagined suffering on this level. I know it may sound petty - I'm fed, healthy, have a great son and am still best friends with my gay wife - but holy hell this hurts. And all the more for finally finding some grounding.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Today I was sick.

Today I stayed home.

Today I read to Little Smye for 3 hours.

Today I took a hike in the woods.

Today I found hundreds upon hundreds of frost feathers.

Frost feather on a stick
Today I am grounded. Today I hurt like hell. Today I laughed. Today I screamed in the middle of the woods where no one heard. Today I felt heard.

Today I found the world I live in beautiful again, even if only for a moment.

Tomorrow, I don't know, but I'm hopeful. Tomorrow, I will still be grounded.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


As many of you know, The Socialist and I have built our life together around our farmstead. We both work demanding jobs and find enormous joy in caring for our goats, ducks, chickens, and produce every afternoon and weekend - it's the stuff life is made of.

The Socialiste only catch is it's also expensive. Repairs to the fence, extra feed when the snows come, the cost of watering the garden, soil alteration, and simply the mortgage required to sustain a large enough property and our home take a financial toll. But we're alright - together we make ends meet and our combined income is enough to get us by.

For now, well, we're still together. But at some point we won't be. I don't want to give up this life. Neither does she, but unless we can both find partners who A. are the loves of our lives, B. are willing to move way out in the woods and C. make bookoo bucks, that's not really an option.

It feels petty, especially with all of the other fears, insecurities, and pain surrounding this whole situation, but I'm also scared of losing my home, my goats, my food sources, my lifestyle. I don't want to go back to an apartment, or the city, or anything other than where I am. The Socialistis is the first place I've allowed myself to put down roots.

Damn it.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Proud hubby

The Socialist is out at a lesbian book club, I'm so proud of her for stepping WAY outside of her comfort zone and reaching out to form a new social group. Not to mention I love the chance to spend time with little Smye one on one.

Anyone have any suggestions for forming new social groups for me? I've realized that I've got no social group of my own, just a few isolated friends ends here and there, but I'm eager to join/create a social group.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Go F*** Yourself - Kindly

To those in outrage, demanding I divorce The Socialist tomorrow - I appreciate your willingness to do the unpopular, go against my wishes and 'tell it like it is' - no sarcasm, I really admire your commitment to authenticity. However, I hope you'll agree (and if you don't, oh well) that you don't quite understand the dynamics of my marriage. Short version - we'll both be finding new exclusive partners when we're each ready as individuals, divorcing at that time, but maintaining our incredible friendship through it all and maintaining our wonderful partnership in the meantime. I'll even likely help write her OK-Cupid (or whatever service she uses) profile and walk her down the aisle - and vice versa. As a society, all we can do is accept that the experience of folks who discover their sexuality "late" in life and the choices they and their partners make (keep in mind, we're significantly younger than you probably think we are - we both graduated high school and college very early and were married at an age most could call unconscionable) might not reflect our own but is still real for them, and support and love those around us in spite of not understanding or even thinking they are completely out of their minds. But seriously, your apparent internal outrage on my behalf is weirdly comforting :). I will say though that your advice did have the effect of making me feel silenced by you rather than helping me 'find my voice.' For what it's worth.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Straight Spouse Report

Well that was interesting.
Last night I attended my first straight-spouses network meeting. Some good, many blah, one very bad. All in all worth it, I think. It's monthly, so I'll certainly be attending again in December and we'll just see how it goes.
For those wondering: Straight Spouse Network is a support group for people whose spouse, or other committed partner - in an assumed heterosexual relationship - have come out as LGBTIQ. I'm actively working on expanding my network of friends and peers and figured hey, why not attend an event of folks who've been through a similar trauma experience - turns out we didn't have as much in common as I'd hoped, but there were one or two gentlemen with whom I connected. It was good to connect with folks, but there was this one guy who was absolutely full of S and kept demanding everyone acknowledge what an incredible husband he was while citing bogus stats while spouting about the 'ridiculous charges' he's facing (8 counts of assault, all from different women - suspicious to say the least) - he about drove me crazy.
I'll also admit (on an entirely separate notes) that it's tough to always be the youngest person in the room by a good 15-20 years - whether I'm at work, the straight spouse network or elsewhere. The Socialiste comments of " wow, you're so lucky to be doing this now" or "you must be ________ to be here now, my son is five years older and he only just now managed to ______" are entirely aggravating and don't serve to move the conversation in the least. The Socialiste odd genuine question is fine - but belaboring the fact as though I'm some sort of marvel or else overly ambitious and whatnot is frustrating - thanks for reading my venting... Done now.
And thank you again all for allowing me the space to air my process here and get support.
Oh, one more thing. Last night The Socialist did confirm that, although she's in 'absolutely no rush... may be 3 years even,' she does, indeed, want a divorce at some point so as to pursue other relationships. She is not open to an 'expanded family' model. Poop on a stick!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Straight Spouses Unite!

The Socialistere's finally a straight-spouse network meeting happening A) close to home and B) with folks who don't want to vilify The Socialist for being gay. Sunday, here I come!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Update again

The Socialistis is by far the most painful experience I've ever been through, but simultaneously one of the most beautiful. I'm glad to hear my posts have been of benefit to more than myself - and yes, it's absolutely been therapeutic - taken literally even, as I've continued posting as part of my work with my therapist :)
Oh, and she's getting all kinds of support - it's beautiful really. We've lost 1 friend so far, and it was my friend, not really hers. Beyond that, her dad's response was the 'worst,' which is to say, the best we could have expected or even hoped for from him.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


The Socialist came out to her dad today - I'm so proud of her! He responded well for the most part, but I'll admit it was also incredibly hard because it made the 'real-ness' and finality of it all sink in just one layer deeper. I will say I was thoroughly impressed with her use of an FAQ to help her deal with having to answer all of the questions she didn't want to be asked and to encourage the questions she wished would be asked. I have included it below:
FAQs for Dad (and maybe Stepmom too)
Q: Why are you telling me this? Now?
A: I enjoy the authentic relationship I feel like we have built and I want to maintain that. I don’t want to live different lives around different people. Also, I could benefit from your support as Smye and I move forward in our process to consciously separate, and I don’t want to hide half of the story.
Q: Have you always “known” (experienced same-sex attraction)?
A: No. Until now, I have largely identified as asexual (someone who does not feel attraction toward either men or woman). It never occurred to me to wonder whether I was attracted to women; I simply knew I had never experienced attraction toward men.
Q: Is this a phase?
A: I’ve thought about this very seriously before sharing with you and hope you can trust that I am telling you something significant versus something that is a passing phase. Sexuality fluidity is often predicted by the intensity and frequency of attraction. Based on my current experiences, I don’t imagine I will later find men attractive (but it would certainly be more convenient if that ends up in my future!).
Q: How do you know for sure you are attracted to women?
A: How do you know for sure you are attracted to women?
Q: Are you attracted to women because you were abused as a child?
A: Correlation is not causation. Early childhood experiences shape sexuality (and the rest of ourselves) and there is no way to determine who I would have been attracted to without those early experiences. It is certainly a complicating factor. I always assumed I’d have challenges connecting with males based on my early childhood experiences so I never sought out other explanations. Regardless, I’ve done enough years of therapy to trust this isn’t something that needs to be “fixed.”
Q: Maybe you just haven’t found the right man?
A: I could say the same to you. J
I don’t think anyone is 100% gay or straight: research shows there are certain situations or contexts in which people will stray outside of strongly identified orientations. The Socialistat said, I am not hoping to find “the right guy” any more than you are. The Socialistere are plenty of women I am attracted to and accept that.
Q: Why are you making this choice?
A: The Socialistis is not a choice I am making. In many ways, if I could choose to be straight I would as there are many benefits to being part of a dominant group and keeping your life status quo. I have worked very hard and sought much help to be attracted toward men without success.
Q: Does this mean you are going to turn “butch”?
A: No. I don’t really identify with terms like “butch” (or its opposite, “femme”). I consider myself feminine in appearance, analytical in mind, and loving at heart. Over time, my style may change, just as anyone’s does through different life phases. Someday I might try having shorter hair or wearing pants but that is less related to my sexuality and more about transitioning out of old habits.
Q: So what kind of person are you attracted to?
A: Women who are intelligent and kindhearted.
Q: Will you ever have a steady girlfriend or get remarried?
A: I hope to—at some point when I am ready and if I meet the right person.
Q: What about God? And the sanctity of marriage?
A: The Socialistis is more a question for you to ask yourself. The Socialistis part of who I am is not in conflict with any of my spiritual beliefs/practices. Of course, I hope you will find a way to reconcile your faith with this aspect of your daughter. If you can’t, I hope you can find enough space in yourself to hold two opposing things, and find a way to maintain your love for both. 
Q: Are you still the same person you’ve always been?
A: Yes. J
Q: Did I do something wrong? Is that why you are like this?
A: No. The Socialistis isn’t a case of right vs. wrong or something that should have been prevented. (If you want to go down that path though, you can think instead about what you can do “right” in this moment to support me…)
Q: Did you cheat on Smye?
A: No. We have been very open and supportive of one another and neither of us has done anything behind the others’ back.
Q: Is Smye okay?
A: My status as “asexual” had been a known factor in our marriage since its beginning so this was not a complete surprise to Smye. It was a joint decision when I decided to re-enter counseling to specifically work on this aspect of myself. He is getting the support that he needs and has been very supportive toward me. Still, this is very hard for Smye. Of course, he wishes the outcome were different if for no other reason than because he had hope for our future.
Q: Are you and Smye staying together?
A: No, not in the traditional sense. We have never had a true “full” marriage and we both deserve that. We have been living together platonically and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future—even as we separate some emotionally. He is committed to helping me become financially self-sufficient and we are both committed to an arrangement that is most supportive of Little Smye. We don’t know exactly what that will look like but trust we will figure it out in a loving way as time goes on.
Q: Does this mean Little Smye is more likely to be gay?
A: No. Whether he is raised by a set of same-sex, opposite-sex, or a combination of parents, his likelihood of identifying as something other than “straight” is about the same. (The Socialistere is some evidence, however, that men with ASD are more likely to identify as gay or bisexual than men without ASD.)
Q: How will this impact your career?
A: I am not “out” at work (though a few close friends know) and do not anticipate I will be in the time that I remain there.
As I transition to a new career pathway, I do not imagine I will advertise my sexuality any more than I ever have—it simply is not relevant. (At no point in working with clients did I ever volunteer that I was asexual, or partnered—let alone the gender of my partner).  I do plan on working/living in New Hometown and do not expect to keep this part of myself a “secret” from my community.
Questions you may not have, but I wish you would ask
Q: What do you identify as?
A: I hate labels because they can mean different things to different people and I want more control over how people perceive me. I do not identify as bisexual (attracted to men and women) or heterosexual (attracted to opposite sex). I would say “lesbian” (women attracted to women) is the closest label. When I talk with people I just say I’m “queer” (an umbrella term which loosely which is no longer considered derogatory).
Q: Who knows? What can I say? Who can I talk to?
A: Right now, I’ve shared with Smye and all of my close friends in addition to M and B. I have not shared with any other relatives, or most childhood friends from Hometown. So far everyone has been incredibly supportive and I am very grateful.
If you would like to talk with people, you are welcome to share with your friends and extended family. I would like to save T/A (and my mom + her family) for myself when I am ready. I ask that you get support and educate yourself about the myths around sexuality (so you do not perpetuate them/misrepresent me when talking with others) before you discuss this with other important people in our lives. (I know I have no control over that.)
When talking with people, I am fine if you use the term “lesbian” or “gay” (often used to describe men or women who are same-sex attracted) as these are the most descriptive/accurate labels. If you don’t want to share with other people that’s fine. The Socialistis may change over time, and certainly will change if I become re-partnered.
Q: What support do you need?
A: I need you to be the same Dad you currently are to me—supportive, caring, and encouraging. I need you to respect my entire self (including this part of me). I need you to ask questions as they arise for you instead of making assumptions. I need you to find a primary place outside of myself to work out your disbelief, confusion, anger, disagreement or whatever other complicated feelings you may have. I need you to remember that although sexuality is an important part of any person, I am a multifaceted human being and I have not ceased to be a mom, a professional, a friend or a quasi-farmer. Mostly, I need you to stay present.
I also need you to remain open to my current relationship with Smye, without taking sides or criticizing (to me) our use of marriage for its companionship, financial stability and other logistical benefits. 
Q: Is this process hard for you?
A: It is terrifying for me. Both because I don’t want to lose people I care about (which I know happens to folks) and because the idea of loving and being loved fully is a very vulnerable thing. In other ways, it is exciting and I couldn’t feel more at ease—it feels like coming home into myself.
Q: Wow, this is a lot to take in. Are there resources for me?
A: I would be thrilled if you went to a meeting with other parents and could learn/get support. Check out your nearest PFLAG ( orhttps://www.facebook...f=page_internal). I’m sure they could direct you to other resources.
Q: What do you need from me right now?
A: I need to know that you love and support me the same as you always have or that if you can’t/don’t that you’ll work to get there. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

How Can I Help?

I've gotten a number of private messages  since making this blog public asking how folks can support me.

The Socialiste answer is simple, and perhaps a little corny. Comment. Post. Discuss within the comments. Sit with me in my grief, stay with me, publicly, while I hold both the deepest sorrow and the greatest excitement in simultaneity. And be sincere. Hearing your reactions, knowing I'm heard, and having those reactions recorded here, attached to a particular post or other, is HUGELY helpful for me.

Facebook comments are great, but then they are lost in the ether and when I need the pick me up, I can't find them easily. Here they are in 'stone.'

I just ask that you withhold advice unless it's asked for. The Socialistough if you give it, I'll just refer you here, so no worries :)

Saturday, August 1, 2015

I'm cursed

I thought you all might appreciate this. I'm at the point where I'm beginning to explore the possibility of feeling attracted to other people beyond The Socialist and allowing myself to appreciate that fact. So far, there have been 3 women where I've though "wow, she's lovely, intelligent, attractive, pretty cool, etc." And I just got confirmation that the third (after earlier learning of both 1 and 2) is a lesbian. I feel like I'm cursed here.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

OKCupid 3

To be clear, I  would never, ever contact someone with romantic intentions without full disclosure. Several of you have asked for this:
When contacting the girl mentioned a few moments ago, my first message was the following:

    I'm in a bit of a unusual situation, but you seem like we might be a good match.
    My wife and I have been best friends since we were 5, we married 7 years ago. However, she recently discovered she is gay. It explains a whole lot of the challenges we've had in our relationship, but I have to admit, it totally rocked my world. That said, we intend to stay good friends and to fully coparent our 2 year old son together, but are both beginning to explore other relationships. We do NOT have and are not interested in an open marriage, we are looking for our next 'forever partners.' Reading through your profile, you seem like we might be compatible. I don't have a profile photo at the moment out of respect for The Socialistee's privacy - she has yet to come out to family and friends but I'm happy to email you a photo or post for a minute and then remove if we happen to be online at the same time if you like.

    If you're willing to explore whether or not we'd be a good match, please let me know. If not, no worries, but I'll admit that confirmation of that would be great.
    Take care,
    It was intended to be a 'try one just to have done it' which now feels admittedly crass.

OKCupid 4

Thanks so much for your support. And by the by, I'm absolutely going square dancing in the next few weeks, as soon as The Socialistee is free to watch the little one.
Oh, and I've gotten a few PM requests to share the 'it's over' message. After thinking about it, I think it would indeed be therapeutic to post rather than PM back, so here it is:
Sorry this has taken me so long to get to you - I want to make sure I get it right and, if I'm totally honest, I don't want to send it. Please do me the favor of reading to the end.
Remember my comments about always striving to be transparent and live with authenticity? This is one of those times when it sucks, a lot.
Let me begin by saying that, if you can trust this, at no point was I false, did I lie, or attempt to conceal anything from you. I like you a lot and have come to care for you a great deal. I really want to date you, to give a relationship with you a try and see where it goes. But I realized this afternoon that I don't think I'm ready like I thought I was.
I've meant every word I've said to you, and I still do, but when I imagined our date, for real, suddenly I felt wrong... Nothing about you, just about me.
I feel awful, but I wanted to be entirely up front with you.
And to top it off, there's that little voice screaming "you idiot! What are you doing? You've had huge gaps in your needs from the day you got married, they've only grown over the years, and now you don't even get a goodnight peck from your wife. Why are you throwing away the closest immediate chance you've got to getting to kiss, cuddle, love and be loved?" But I think if that's the reason I'm pursuing a relationship, because I'm terrified of continuing not to have those things, that's the wrong reason to enter a relationship. That isn't remotely the entirety of why I wanted to date you, like I said, you're funny, kind, intelligent, strong, beautiful, and someone I genuinely enjoy. But I'm not certain I'm in a place yet where I wouldn't be motivated, from time to time at least, more by simply the desire to be loved than by my future love for you, and that's not fair to either of us. I've clearly got quite a bit of work left to do before I start pursuing another partner.
I'm so sorry XXXX, I'm letting you know as soon as I realized it (well, within a few hours anyway), but despite my best intentions, this is in no way fair to you. What a way to start your vacation. I'm glad you've got support people close at hand.
Take care,
And after rereading that - wow that reads melodramatic, but there it is.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

OKCupid 2

So I made the OKCupid profile, I even messaged someone on the advice of my therapist, essentially detailing the whole story and linking her here - just to test the waters. She wrote back, was entirely supportive and over the last few days we have struck up a conversation. I like her, she seems to like me. This afternoon she asked to set up a date next Saturday evening. Hooray!
Or not. At that moment, it clicked - what the hell am I doing? I'm not ready yet. I've got a hell of a lot of work to do on myself before I go trying to form a committed partnership with someone else - not to mention the fact that I'm not remotely comfortable with casual dating.
I feel awful, but I'm going to be emailing her after I post this to call it off and ask "may I contact you again in a few months? I'm so so sorry." And to top it off, there's that little voice screaming "you idiot! What are you doing? You've had huge gaps in your needs from the day you got married, they've only grown over the years, and now you don't even get a goodnight peck from your wife. Why are you throwing away the closest chance you've got to getting to kiss, cuddle, love and be loved?" But I think if that's the reason I'm pursuing a relationship, because I'm terrified of continuing not to have those things, that's the wrong reason to enter a relationship. And so on it goes. 
And oh yeah, The Socialistee already pulled back emotionally when I created the OKCupid account - still my best friend, but I'm no longer her primary emotional support. The Socialistammit. But I believe waiting (for now, we'll see how I feel in the morning) is the best choice [totally joking about the 'in the morning' part].

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Having been each others one and only since 5 is amazing, it's part of what's so scary about looking elsewhere - there's nobody else from my kindergarten classroom that's remotely interesting.
Curiously, my therapist and I created my OKCupid account recently. In response The Socialistee made one of her own. It's weirdly terrifying and exciting! I've got a date lined up for the first weekend in October. On the flip side, once I had that set up, The Socialistee asked for more emotional distance between us - we're still best friends and coparents, but she'll no longer be processing externally with me through the deep stuff. Something else to mourn, but I think that stopping my own process to 'keep' her wouldn't be healthy for either of us.
Thanks all for reading.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Where we stand

Just a quick update - The Socialistee is still working through her process and debating whether/how to tell her parents. I, on the other hand, am continuing to realize more and more how much of the grieving of our marriage I've already done. 6 years ago when she first told me she didn't think she was actually attracted to me, I started grieving the 'mutual attraction' aspect. 5 years ago when she told me (with the utmost kindness and honesty, not out of spite or anything) 'I really don't enjoy sex and, you know, if we never had it again, I'd be thrilled,' I started grieving the 'sexual intimacy' portion. When she told me 'it really bothers me/makes me uncomfortable when you a) suprise me with something special; b.) tell me I'm beautiful; c) arrange a special evening even with my foreknowledge; d) do anything else typically identified as 'romantic,' I began grieving the 'romantic' aspect of our relationship. 2 years ago when a surgeon who was working on something else entirely essentially destroyed her vagina (the bas****, he's still the only person I've ever had violent dreams about - even without sex it hurts her to walk more than 5 minutes at a time...), I began to grieve the 'sex at all' portion of our relationship.
Everything else, our deep love and respect for one another as parents, as best friends, as co-learners and cohabitators, those I don't have to grieve. Except for the last, but that's a ways off and I can start that grief process now. I don't mean to claim that I'm 'over it.' Holy hell it still hurts. I'm nowhere near over it. I don't know if I ever will be. But I feel, in many ways, a sense of peace that my feelings of never being 'enough' for her were not only justified, but had nothing to do with me. I'm shocked at how excited I feel for both of us to move forward while doing our damnedest to keep our friendship solid whatever comes in terms of the pain/frustration that's inevitable moving forward.
All that said, though a piece of me is screaming "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU The SocialistOING?" I've recognized that this has all been going down for as long as we've been wed. Not that she knew she was ***** (her currently chosen term), nor that we would inevitably divorce some day, but that our marriage wasn't all of what either of us wanted it to be, despite being nauseatingly idyllic in so many other areas. And I never, ever, have to sacrifice those idyllic pieces if I don't choose to, even if and when we divorce.
And so the next step - dating. I'm not interested in dating around, sleeping around, or trying to 'get the most bang (sorry) for my buck out of my new body.' But if I'm decided to find a new partner (and I am), I'm eager to get going. I'm thinking I'll start with an OKCupid account here in the next couple of weeks after my next meeting with my counselor. How weird to be simultaneously nauseated and utterly thrilled.
The Socialistoes that make sense?