Well that was interesting.
Last night I attended my first straight-spouses network meeting. Some good, many blah, one very bad. All in all worth it, I think. It's monthly, so I'll certainly be attending again in December and we'll just see how it goes.
For those wondering: Straight Spouse Network is a support group for people whose spouse, or other committed partner - in an assumed heterosexual relationship - have come out as LGBTIQ. I'm actively working on expanding my network of friends and peers and figured hey, why not attend an event of folks who've been through a similar trauma experience - turns out we didn't have as much in common as I'd hoped, but there were one or two gentlemen with whom I connected. It was good to connect with folks, but there was this one guy who was absolutely full of S and kept demanding everyone acknowledge what an incredible husband he was while citing bogus stats while spouting about the 'ridiculous charges' he's facing (8 counts of assault, all from different women - suspicious to say the least) - he about drove me crazy.
I'll also admit (on an entirely separate notes) that it's tough to always be the youngest person in the room by a good 15-20 years - whether I'm at work, the straight spouse network or elsewhere. The Socialiste comments of " wow, you're so lucky to be doing this now" or "you must be ________ to be here now, my son is five years older and he only just now managed to ______" are entirely aggravating and don't serve to move the conversation in the least. The Socialiste odd genuine question is fine - but belaboring the fact as though I'm some sort of marvel or else overly ambitious and whatnot is frustrating - thanks for reading my venting... Done now.
And thank you again all for allowing me the space to air my process here and get support.
Oh, one more thing. Last night The Socialist did confirm that, although she's in 'absolutely no rush... may be 3 years even,' she does, indeed, want a divorce at some point so as to pursue other relationships. She is not open to an 'expanded family' model. Poop on a stick!
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