That said, a shit-ton has happened since my last post. I don't have the energy or the time to fully document it all right now, so I'm going to keep it to bullets. HOWEVER, I do hope to elaborate on a few of these at a later date.
So let's see... what's been happening?
- I was a contestant on Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Yep, that's right. Now the real question, can you pick me out from the 2016-2017 contestants? Here's a hint... I wasn't a celebrity guest.
What's that? How did I do? I can't tell you that, it might spoil the fun (but don't worry, I'll update on that after this season ends!)
- I was a contestant on NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me and now Carl Kassel's voice is enshrined in my voicemail.
- I sold the farm, sold the goats, lost the ability to grow my own food, and moved to a rental in town. The short version is that The Socialist has one end of the house and I have the other with Snugglet in the middle... It's painful, it actually pretty much sucks - we'd expected to be living apart by now and The Socialist is starting to feel somewhat resentful of my continued presence. It's hard to blame her, but until we have finances nailed down (which is taking a long time due to Snugglet's special needs) it's not a good idea to pay 2 rents.
Goodbye girls! I'll miss you!
- Little Smye is no longer. Little Smye is now Snugglet. I was wrong, I have a daughter, not a son.
- I started dating The Botanist. She's pretty damn awesome. And also slightly woo. I love it! More on her to come... of that you can be sure.
- I met Giada!
- The protection order I have against my childhood abusers was violated (I'll say allegedly, so as to avoid any possible Libel suit).
- I spent far too long going back and forth with the prosecuting and defense attorneys on this... but we'll see where it goes. The jury trial is coming up.
- I lived out of a motel for 10 nights, against my will. I learned how much I hate living in a sleezy motel... and how much I love living in a space that's entirely 'mine.'
- I secured an attorney to help with the finalizing of the divorce (it's entirely non-contested/amicable... but we each want to have someone to at least look at it).
- I went to 5 different conferences - I love to learn but I'm exhausted.
- We got mental healthcare for students at work. WOOT!
- I went to my first Metal Festival... Disturbed was excellent.
- I found 7 new species of mushroom.
1/4 of the 12 lb beast I found... YUM - I made a few new friends.
- I went to my first Friendsgiving and had the best Thanksgiving I've had in a long long time.
- I stopped sleepwalking altogether.
- I started on my collection of short stories (we'll see if they ever go anywhere).
- I got a new contract and title change at work.
- I started painting. That's why I've gone so long without blogging... all of the time I'd spent blogging has been spent painting.
The tea and chutney were added after the first photo - And I got back to GayWifeConfusingLife... what a few months it's been!